When all the Twilight movies get put on a popular streaming service, you’d better bet we’re watching them all. And when we watch all the Twilight movies, you’d better bet we’re putting on Twilight Trivia!
So it’s time to celebrate our favorite human/vampire/werewolf love triangle—both on the page and screen—until the Breaking Dawn, Part 2. If you’ve wondered if she was even Italian, or been 17 for a while, or parlayed your fan fiction into the Romance Novels of the 2010s, this is the night for you! Stay alert, though - Victoria is out to get you.
Trivia starts promptly on time, so make sure to get to your location a bit early and try to at least act human. I mean, we have neighbors.
Teams are limited to six -- so, you and five stupid, shiny Volvo owners.
All of our locations use the Trivia Mafia App for running theme nights, so bring a charged phone to ensure it sparkles through the whole game.
The same questions will run at all locations, so don’t be disappointed when you try to double-dip and realize you’ve already bitten this neck.
Use your noodle, not your Google. Research the Cold Ones on your own time. (No mind-reading either, EDWARD.)