Beer Details
Release your expectations and open your mind to Halucidation. Brewed somewhere in the valley between beer and wine, Halucidation is a collaboration beyond your wildest drinking dreams.
We take our already boozy, slightly funky Belgian Tripel and add Parley Lake Winery's Frontenac grape must (like grape juice, but specifically for wine) while it ferments. The more sugar there is for the yeast to feast on, the boozier your beer becomes. Needless to say, the result of this brew is a hybrid of mind-tripping proportions.
Deceptively light and sweet for a boozy masterpiece (14% ABV), the sixth iteration of Halucidation is this season’s greatest temptation.
Event Details
Halucidation releases on tap and in bottles on Friday at Noon. No bottle limits.
Food by Solos Pizza Truck 4-8pm.
Live music by Kingsview Band 7-10pm
Halucidation will also be released to the masses in your local liquor stores.
Beer Art
The Halucidation bottle label is designed by Benjamin Wuest and Jacob Charles Eidem.