Friends of Inbound, we are so excited to reopen our taproom doors to you on Wednesday June 10. In order to comply with public health guidelines put in place by the Governor and Mayor, things are going to look a little different around here. We promise that we’re going to make your experience as pleasant and safe as possible. Plus, we’ll pour you great, local beer.

Reservations Required

Whether you plan to sit on the patio or in the taproom, a reservation is required. Please make a 90 minute reservation ahead of time at this quick and easy page on our website. If you don’t see the time you want, that means we are all booked up. Refresh the page throughout the day in case someone else cancels their reservation.

We are limited to specific capacities on our patio and in our taproom. So, even if things don’t look as busy as normal around here, that doesn’t mean we can accept a walk-up reservation. Please respect our staff on this as we do our best to manage these new policies.

If you are seated on the patio, please remember to dress for the weather. Our patio is not covered, so that means you might need an umbrella, sunscreen, or perhaps both (thanks, Minnesota).


You can’t wear a mask while drinking a beer. Trust us, we’ve tried. But, you are still required to bring a mask with during your visit. You will need to wear a mask while walking to/from your table, using the restroom, or speaking with staff. Masks might not be your favorite, but we’re big fans of safety and responsibility around here, so we encourage you to use yours accordingly.

Kids & Dogs

Right now, we are not open to dogs or any person under 21. As our community grows comfortable with the new ways of the world, we will reopen our taproom and patio to your 2- and 4-legged children. Service dogs are always welcome.

Proper ID

A lot of you have had a driver’s license expire over the last few months. We will not accept any expired form of identification. If your license/papers have expired, consider bringing a valid passport if you have one.


The biggest thing we can ask of you is respect. Please respect each other, our policies, and especially our staff. This system is new for everyone, but that doesn’t mean it has to suck. Let’s be on the same team.