Pastry Ale Blueberry Guava-3.jpg

We’re eager to tap the next installment in our Pastry Ale series, a Blueberry Guava Sour. It’s releasing on draft and in crowlers on Saturday October 19 — no cans will be released. We brewed this variation by taking our tart Gose recipe and brewing it with loads of flavorful blueberries and super ripe guava. 5.5% ABV // 20 IBUs


The beers in the Pastry Ale series are inspired by our Gose ale, a sour style beer. Our traditional Gose is tart and fruity with refreshing, bright flavors that compliment the sour kick you get with each sip. The tartness comes mostly from Sour Patch Kids (not really), but also from Sour Pitch, a lactic acid bacteria we add in the kettle, which brings characteristics not just of tartness, but also citrus and green apple.

We started fruiting our Gose during fermentation to highlight its tart and sometimes sweet fruit flavors. The Gose’s low pH creates a crisper, sharper flavor than other styles, which in combination with low bitterness and unique tartness, lend this style well to fruit additions.


We’ve released several beers in this series—some in cans, some exclusively on tap—including Wildberry Milkshake Sour, Mango Milkshake Sour, Pineapple Upside Down Sour, and Fruited Dark Sour. Keep an eye out for releases in the series about once every other month.