You asked for it, and you waited patiently. For that, we are rewarding you with a can of gold. We're getting all hyped up because we're finally going to release our famous Apricot Pale Ale in cans! Plus, we've finally named it. Meet: The Fuzz.
This award-winning beer is a crowd favorite, known for its fresh apricot flavor and mild spiced candy goodness. The Fuzz is available year-round in select liquor stores, bars, and restaurants across the metro area.
Apricot Pale Ale has never before been named, but we wanted to do it justice for the big release. "The Fuzz" is an homage to the Apricot that made this beautiful beer possible. As this brew shows, a little bit of fuzz can go a long way. Plus, an opportunity to poke fun at beer industry beards is too good to pass up.
Minneapolis artist Michael Byzewski of Aesthetic Apparatus designed the label to accomplish a feat few others could: giving a skeleton some peach fuzz.